Exiled lawyer Miguna Miguna doesn’t look like he is having such a bad time in Berlin, Germany, where the self-declared National Resistance Movement (NRM) General is temporarily residing after he was blocked from flying back to Kenya.
On January 7 this year, he was blocked from boarding a connecting flight to Nairobi due to a red alert issued by the Kenya government when he was deported in 2018.
He told local reporters that that he had been stopped by Lufthansa airline officials boarding the flight back home where he was scheduled to arrive at 9:25 p.m the same day.
Miguna was deported over the swearing-in of NASA leader Raila Odinga, which he presided over at Uhuru Park, following a repeat Presidential election in which Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner. He was also accused of trying to mobilise Kenyans into a revolution, state officials said at the time.
Since last week, the government has been playing cat and mouse games with the fiesty lawyer’s situation, which some analysts say is an attempt to frustrate the General as much as possible and push him into giving up his entire cause – which he claims has been causing ODM Party Leader Raila Odinga and his fellow “tyrants” sleepless nights.
The Kenyan Government, through its spokesperson Cyrus Oguna, said that Miguna will be allowed into the country if he obtains “the required travel documents in any Kenyan Embassy.”
In the statement, Government Spokesman Cyrus Oguna said that Miguna should present himself at any Kenyan embassy abroad to obtain his passport.
“Dr Miguna is free to present himself at any Kenyan Mission to obtain his passport. It’s puzzling he has not made an effort to obtain his passport,” read the statement.
As he continues to wait for the government to obey court orders, Miguna has assured his followers that he is in both good health and spirits, with his determination undeterred.
On Wednesday night, the former Nairobi County gubernatorial candidate attended PresseBall Berlin, a German social dance event organized by associations of journalists, whose revenues serve a social purpose in the field of journalism.

As is the norm, he shared photos from the event on his social media platforms with the caption : “At the PresseBall Berlin on January 11, 2020 as the “small man” continues to wait for despots to obey court orders and for justice to be done and to be seen to be done, ” signed off by his trademark hashtags #DespotsMustFall and #RevolutionNow
Comments from netizens soon started flowing in with some rather surprised by Miguna’s other jovial side, which he hardly showcases.
At the "PRESSE BALL BERLIN" on January 11, 2020 as the "small man" continues to wait for despots to OBEY COURT ORDERS and for JUSTICE to be done and to be SEEN to be done. #DespotsMustFall #RevolutionNow pic.twitter.com/hY4A4F8ofx
— Dr. Miguna Miguna (@MigunaMiguna) January 12, 2020
You handsomely look like a teenager and strong and ready to fight DESPOTS. Stay Strong 💪
Viva General— The most Kenyan Kenyan (@NeverForget_K) January 12, 2020
Good to see you enjoy life. Let’s hope you get home soon. As a Luo man your ancestral home is important for you.
— the Ultimate Privateer (@EOPATEL) January 12, 2020
life seems so sweet and enjoyable here Miguna my big bro..why can’t we inter change our destinations..
— Ouma Micheal (@ouma_micheal) January 12, 2020
General I can see u are enjoying the winter in Berlin , I wish I could get chance to be there with you. Viva!
— Steve (@Steve16069723) January 12, 2020
Man Just enjoy de music
— Abdisalam Yarow (Kunkaal) (@kunkaalYarow) January 12, 2020
umeacha bibi wapi….. At least have fun…… Good times zinakam
— George Githinji (@zangi_owner) January 12, 2020
Hajji General
Whom are you dancing with?
— Ahmadricher (@Ahmadricher) January 12, 2020
In a follow up tweet made on Sunday afternoon, Miguna called out Uhuru and Raila for denying him his human rights and constitutional rights including that of “seeking the ultimate political power in Kenya”.
He, however, maintained that justice must prevail – implying that soon he will be back into tne country and pick up the revolt where he left it.
Despot Uhuru Kenyatta and Conman @RailaOdinga
are weak, desperate and afraid of the revolutionary wind blowing across Kenya. They want to deny me enjoyment of my birth, constitutional and human rights including seeking the ULTIMATE POLITICAL POWER in Kenya. Justice must prevail. pic.twitter.com/FYcGgR75jD— Dr. Miguna Miguna (@MigunaMiguna) January 12, 2020
From his often explosive tweets, it is more than clear that the former Senior Advisor to ex-Prime Minister Raila Odinga has his eyes set on the biggest prize.
Two days ago, AG Kihara Kariuki was ordered to appear in court on Monday to explain why orders allowing the lawyer’s return to Kenya have not been obeyed.
Judge John Mativo on Friday said the government was stifling democracy by going against the court orders, adding that the dual citizen was free to travel with his Canadian passport.
Keep your head up General!
— Noör (@NoorMuktar5) January 12, 2020
Ungepanda meli you would be here. Just come back home and shout on the streets. This Twitter tirades are limiting your voice to a select few
— Doctor Who (@Wanjala) January 12, 2020
Raila today is completely a different man. He has been transformed from national and political figure to a political conman. I do not know when Raila was baptised to this new cult of self centeredness. Baba old age comes with wisdom but your old age comes with problems.
— Rendilicha (@Halake52582017) January 12, 2020
Doctor miguna uhuru and raila good leaders nothing they are denying you follow the law and you will get Justice
— Samson makwai (@MakwaiSamson) January 12, 2020
How I wish we could get a solution and see you land in Kenya… uhuru is killing us slowly…Nhif has changed to something else
— Antoine_koome (@AntoineKoome) January 12, 2020
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